How Does a Menstrual Disc Work?

A menstrual disc is a reusable period product that sits inside your vagina and captures your period. Different than tampons or pads, discs are made of medical-grade silicone and capture instead of absorb. Using a reusable disc is more sustainable than disposable period products, saves thousands of dollars (because you won't have to buy tampons or pads), and can make your period easier!

Capacity & Wear Time

The Viv Menstrual Disc can be worn for 12 hours at a time (compared to 4-8 hours for tampons or pads). Every period is different, and you may have to change your disc before the 12 hour mark, but it holds as much as 4-6 tampons. Think about how long a tampon lasts for you. The disc will last 4-6 times longer!! There is no risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) when leaving the Viv Disc in for 12 hours, so it is completely safe.


To insert a menstrual disc, pinch the middle to form the shape of the number 8. Slide the disc into your vagina, angled back towards the bottom of your spine. Continue to pinch the disc as you slide it in, with the opening of the disc facing up. The pull tab on the Viv Disc should be the last thing that enters your body.

When the disc is fully inside, use a finger to tuck the disc up behind your pubic bone.


Menstrual Discs sit higher up than tampons or menstrual cups. The disc should sit right below your cervix, tucked up behind your pubic bone. When it is placed in the correct location, it should be comfortable, and it should not slide out. Discs do not use any suction, so they sit higher up in order to stay secure and capture your entire period.


To remove the Viv Disc, reach a finger up and find the pull tab. You may need to reach the rim of the disc to untuck it from your pubic bone. Then, just pull on the pull tab until the disc slides out of your body! Always remove your disc while sitting on the toilet or in the shower to prevent any spills. It is normal for some blood to get on your hands while removing it, especially when you're first learning how it works!


Many people say that menstrual discs are more comfortable than tampons and pads, and more convenient. When in the right position, you should not feel the disc at all! It lasts longer than any disposable period product, meaning you can focus on living your life and not on finding the closest bathroom to change your tampon or pad.

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