How to Insert a Menstrual Cup for the First Time

The first step to becoming a menstrual cup user is learning how to insert it correctly. This can make or break your feelings towards menstrual cups, so it's important that you go in with all the information, to set yourself up for success! Before you get started, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • It might not go perfectly the first time, and that's okay!! For most people, it takes a few times to be able to insert the cup and have it feel comfortable. Just because it doesn't go great the first time doesn't mean cups don't work for you.
  • Every body is different. The tips and tricks your cup-using BFF gives you might not be the solution for you. All of our bodies require different sizes, insertion angles, and cup folds, and you have to find what works best for YOU.

Step 1. Wash your hands

Always insert your cup with clean hands!! This applied to any period product.

Step 2. Practice folding your cup

There are a TON of different ways you can fold your menstrual cup, here are some of our favorites:

You will probably have to try a couple folds before you find the one that works for your body, so practicing different folds is a great way to "warm up" and get used to the feeling of the cup in your hands.

Step 3. Relax your muscles

This one's easier said than done, but relaxing your muscles will make a huuuuge difference for how easy your first cup experience goes. Tensing up will make it harder to insert the cup. Take some deep breaths, and remember that this is NBD! It's just a period product, and there's no pressure. Actively focus on relaxing the muscles around your vagina throughout the entire insertion process.

Step 4. Choose a fold, and slide the cup in

The C-fold is a great one to start with (it works for a lot of people). Insert the cup angled back towards your lower back/spine (not straight up). The cup sits higher up than you might think, so try to keep the cup folded for as long as you can. If the cup unfolds too early, it can be uncomfortable, but once it's in the right place there is plenty of room for it to completely open.

Step 5. Adjust the cup to form a seal

Once the cup is inserted, use the ring stem to adjust it. You may need to wiggle it up higher to sit comfortably and fully open up. Run a finger around the bottom to see if it's folded in any places still. You want your cup to full open so it can form a suction seal - that's how it stays so secure all day long!! If you're having trouble getting your cup to open, twist the ring stem around, and you'll feel it open up.

Step 6. Vibe check

If everything went smoothly, you're good to go!! You can now wash your hands and get on with the rest of your life (without worrying about your period!!). The first time you're using a cup, you might feel some pressure inside you or like you have to pee a little more than usual. That's totally normal!! Your body will get used to using a cup over time, and those feelings will go away.

If everything didn't go smoothly, let's troubleshoot! You may need to try a different cup fold, or insert the cup at a different angle. The most common problem we see is people letting the cup open up too early. There should be plenty of room for the cup to open up when fully inside, but it might not feel possible if the cup is unfolding too soon in the vaginal canal.

If you think it's inserted as far as it can possibly go, but it still can't unfold, you probably need a smaller size cup! The Viv Menstrual Cup Discovery Kit includes 2 sizes of the Viv Cup, so you can test which option works best for you.


Like I said before, it's okay if you didn't have a perfect first cup experience. Inserting a cup might take a few attempts before it even goes in, and that's totally normal!! If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed about inserting a cup, it's ok to stop, use a product you feel comfortable with, and try again tomorrow (or next month!!). Your body and how you handle your period are up to you. You don't need to use a cup if you don't want to, but if you do, Viv is here to help you make that happen :)

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