Bans Off Our Bodies: May 14th National Protest

This Saturday, May 14th, join fellow abortion rights supporters at the Bans Off Our Bodies rallies across the country. Send the message loud and clear: All people deserve access to the abortion care they need, when they need it, in the community they live in and trust.

Why protest?

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, this will affect all people, everywhere around the country. 26 states are certain or likely to ban abortion without Roe. READ HERE to learn which ones and why.

"Either abortion will be outlawed in your state or your state will become a state that needs to start providing abortions to people who are coming from out of state." Kimberly Inez told Glamour last week.

Banning Roe v. Wade will overwhelmingly affect people of color. Communities of color have already been disproportionally impacted by abortion restrictions. “Abortion restrictions are racist,” said Cathy Torres, an organizing manager with Frontera Fund, a Texas organization that helps pay for abortions. “They directly impact people of color, Black, brown, Indigenous people … people who are trying to make ends meet.” The numbers are unambiguous. In Mississippi, people of color comprise 44 percent of the population but 81 percent of people receiving abortions, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which tracks health statistics. In Texas, Alabama, and Louisiana, the numbers tell the same story. The fight for reproductive justice is an intersectional fight.

How to find a protest near you

On Saturday, May 14th, several organizations, including Planned Parenthood, the Women's March, Liberate Abortion, UltraViolet, MoveOn, and Service Employees International Union, are organizing major protests and rallies in cities across the nation. Planned Parenthood has created a resource to find your closest rally based on your Zip Code.

If you can't protest

There are many important ways to contribute to the fight for reproductive rights. Protesting is just one. Get involved with an abortion rights group, give financially (check out our list of abortion funds by state), contact lawmakers, and have difficult conversations with people in your life who may not understand why keeping abortions accessible is so important.

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